Episode 9
Folge #0009: Remote Teamwork
September 10th, 2018
1 hr 4 mins 19 secs
Season 1
About this Episode
Eine ganz praktische Folge: Wie funktioniert Teamwork, wenn man ständig unterwegs ist?
Wir gehen ins Detail, zum Beispiel:
- Warum Christoph lieber 30x am Tag telefoniert als E-Mails zu schreiben
- was bei Florian die Bundeswehr und T-Shirt-Größen mit einem internen Briefing zu tun haben
- wie wir das Meiste als Telefonkonferenzen rausholen
Zum Schluss dann noch ein Ausflug zum Extrempunkt: Wie wäre es, komplett Remote zu arbeiten? Wer kann das eigentlich, und welche Beispiele gibt es dafür? Da dürfen natürlich Matt Mullenweg von Wordpress und die Macher von Basecamp nicht fehlen.
Die Shownotes gibt es wie immer unter TSL.fm/9.
Und wie immer freuen wir uns wie Bolle über viele Sternchen auf iTunes, wenn euch die Folge gefallen hat! Wenn ihr Grund zum Nörgeln habt, nutzt lieber unsere Kommentarfunktion ;-)
Episode Links
- Elon Musk productivity tip: Leave meetings if they're not productive - Business Insider Deutschland — "Walk out of a meeting or drop off a call as soon as it is obvious you aren’t adding value. It is not rude to leave, it is rude to make someone stay and waste their time," Musk writes.
- The Year Without Pants: WordPress.com and the Future of Work: Amazon.de: Scott Berkun: Fremdsprachige Bücher — What happens when an old-school management guru leaves the books and lectures behind to lead a young team at a revolutionary company, with no email, no offices, and no rules? The answer is an amazing and entertaining book about the future of work.
- Matt Mullenweg on Polyphasic Sleep, Tequila, and Building Billion-Dollar Companies | The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss — Matt is a phenom of hyper-productivity and does A LOT with very little. But how? This conversation shares his best tools and tricks. From polyphasic sleep to Dvorak and looping music for flow, there’s something for everyone. Last but not least, Matt is also the CEO of Automattic, which is valued at $1-billion+ and has a fully distributed team of 300+ employees around the world.
- Matt Mullenweg: Characteristics and Practices of Successful Entrepreneurs | The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss — His first time on the show went over so well that you’ve all been asking for a round two. So in this episode, he answers your most popular questions. If you only have 5 minutes, you’ll want to hear Matt’s thoughts on the factors (other than hard work) most likely to lead to a successful career.
- 10 Remote Work Insights From Matt Mullenweg’s Automattic
- WordPress’ Matt Mullenweg On Working From Home, Making Money Without Ads, And More [TCTV] | TechCrunch
- Work With Us — Automattic — Everyone works from the location they choose. We’re spread out all over the world in more than 50 countries. We track about 70 percent of our projects on P2-themed WordPress.com blogs, 25 percent in private chat rooms, and the rest on Slack. Because of the geographic variance, we’re active 24/7. We care about the work you produce, not just the hours you put in.
- Working remotely, 4 years in - Julia Evans — I live in Montreal. 4 years ago, I decided to take a job working remotely for a company based in San Francisco.
- Remote: Office Not Required: Amazon.de: David Heinemeier Hansson, Jason Fried: Fremdsprachige Bücher — For too long our lives have been dominated by the ‘under one roof’ Industrial Revolution model of work. That era is now over. There is no longer a reason for the daily roll call, of the need to be seen with your butt on your seat in the office. The technology to work remotely and to avoid the daily grind of commuting and meetings has finally come of age, and bestselling authors Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson are the masters of making it work at tech company 37signals.