Episode 8
Folge #0008: Exoskelette und Hirn-Computer-Interfaces
September 3rd, 2018
52 mins 1 sec
Season 1
About this Episode
Die Marktforscher von Gartner haben den neuen "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies" rausgebracht. Wir widmen uns in dieser Folge zwei ganz innovativen Themen: Exoskelette für Menschen und Hirn-Computer-Interfaces.
Zusätzlich gibt es diesmal - Premiere! - sogar ein Giveaway, das wir unter allen teilnehmenden Hörern verlosen!
Episode Links
- 5 Trends Emerge in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2018 — Die Basis für diese Folge: der diesjährige Gartner Hype Cycle
- Podcast: Exoskeleton Robots for Real People with Tim Swift, Founder & CEO of ROAM — The Boost VC Podcast — Ein interessanter Einblick in die Exoskeleton-Branche
- Enter the Exos — Flash Forward — exoskeletons: what are they being used for now? What might they be used for in the future? And what happens when they’re everywhere?
- Exoskeleton Report — Eine Exoskelett-News-Seite. Was es nicht alles gibt!
- ReWalk Personal 6.0 — Ein aktives Exoskelett mit dem z.B. manche Querschnittsgelähmte wieder laufen können.
- Exoskeleton that allows humans to work and play for longer - BBC News — "You could have exoskeletons on building sites that would help people not get so physically tired, but working longer would make you mentally tired and we don't have a means of stopping that," he told the BBC. "We design these systems and then ask whether it might be misused. We need ethical design from the start and I would design exoskeletons that switch themselves off after six hours."
- How the AI Exoskeleton Is Making Work Better | Observer — AI equips humans with a virtual exoskeleton containing algorithms and data-processing tools that help boost output. Think about Lowe’s experimenting with technologies that give its employees a push as they lift heavy products or New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital using machinery to aid rehabbing patients.
- suitX | Affordable, Modular, Intelligent Exoskeletons — Das Startup, dessen Gründer in der verlinkten Podcast-Episode zu Gast war.
- Exoskelett von Lockheed Martin im Test beim amerikanischen Militär
- BAA Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) — Die Ausschreibung für den Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit der US Army. Umgangssprachlich: der IronMan Suit.
- Mit dem Computer verschmelzen | NZZ
- Towards a High-Resolution, Implantable Neural Interface
- CSL - Cognitive Systems Lab
- Paradromics Inc.
- DARPA Invests $18.3 Million In Brain Implant Startup That's Building 'A Modem For The Mind'
- Kernel